How to Use Tanning Bed Tips for Beginners Them Safely
The sunbed is a great way to get that bronzed look. Of course, you can also tan indoors, but there are some important tips for beginners before you begin your tan session. Here, we look at how to use tanning beds safely and give you the best advice for beginners. We’ll also tell you about some of the risks associated with tanning beds if you decide to use them. The tips below will help you get the most out of your tanning bed session while keeping you as safe as possible.
Top 11 Tanning Bed Tips for Beginners
- Fill in a skin analysis form from your local tanning salon to get the best tanning tips for beginners.
- The skin analysis form will help you determine how often you should use a sunbed, what type of tanning equipment is suitable for your skin type, and what type of tan accelerator should be used during your sessions. It’s important to remember that over-tanning can cause premature aging of the skin, so follow all instructions carefully!
- Decide the type of tanning equipment you want to use, such as an epoxy bed or UVA/UVB lamps (if you are looking for a natural look). If you don’t have any tanning experience, starting with a low-level epoxy bed is best. Epoxy beds have a longer life span than sunbeds and are less likely to cause burning or skin damage if used properly. If you want to achieve a darker tan, consider using UVA/UVB lamps during your sessions. When you decide on the type of tanning equipment, it’s time to purchase it.
- Clean the sunbed before use; this is especially important if you have used it for years and built up oils on it. You can also clean with special soap or detergent designed to remove any dirt from your skin so that it doesn’t irritate when exposed again after cleaning. You can also use a unique, soft cloth to clean off any oil and dirt from the sunbed. Make sure that all surfaces are dry before you begin using your tanning equipment. It would help if you also cleaned your hands and feet before using a sunbed. You can use soap and water, or you can use a special solution that is designed to remove grease or dirt from your skin.
- Remove all forms of makeup or cosmetics; this includes foundation, blush, eye shadow, etc., because they tend not only to help protect against harmful UV radiation but also give a nice look under makeup too! If needed, use a moisturizer afterward so that there won’t be dry patches left behind after removing them. If you have any tattoos, ensure they are covered before sunbathing. If this is not possible, remove the ink from your skin using soap and water or some other cleaning product that can help remove tattoos. If you have sensitive skin, it is important to find out how your skin reacts to the sunbed before using it. Test different times of day and levels of exposure to get a feel for how your body handles exposure to UV light.
- Apply a sunbed cream or tan accelerator for better tanning results. For best results, apply the cream for at least 30 minutes before you get into the sunbed. This will allow it to soak into your skin and produce a deeper tan than if you had applied it before getting under the UV lamps. Use the sunbed at least once a week. Using a sunbed too often can cause damage to your skin and accelerate aging. However, if you want to get a good tan in as little time as possible, using one every week or two is generally safe. Just make sure that you apply sunscreen before heading out into the sun, so you don’t burn.
- What to wear while tanning indoors? You don’t need to wear much when tanning indoors. The only requirement is that you wear dark, loose-fitting clothes so that you can easily apply sunscreen without getting it on your clothes. If you want to wear something over your bathing suit or underwear, a simple T-shirt or tank top will do just fine.
- Don’t forget the protective eyewear! When tanning indoors, it’s important to wear protective eyewear. This will protect your eyes from UV rays and prevent eye damage or even blindness if they happen to get into your eyes. You can also wear protective goggles if you want to avoid getting sunscreen in your eyes as well. Once you’re in the tanning bed, make sure that you wear dark glasses or goggles to protect your eyes from UV rays. Most tanning facilities provide protective eyewear for free, so don’t forget to ask if you don’t see any available.
- Get in the sunbed and relax for 20 to 30 minutes. It’s best if you can within the first two hours of waking up or before bedtime so that your body has a full day to repair itself from the sun damage. If you have a sunbed at home, it’s time to put it to use! Start with a lower tanning level and gradually increase it over time as your skin gets used to being in the sunbed. You can also use a timer on your phone or watch so that you don’t stay there too long.
- Freshen up yourself and apply a moisturizer to your face, neck, and hands. Once you’re done tanning, wash off any remaining lotion or gel with warm water before applying a moisturizer so that it doesn’t clog up your pores to your body. This will help keep the skin hydrated and prevent it from drying out sunbed. Use a towel to pat yourself dry before getting dressed again.
- Repeat the tanning sessions. Always remember: Moderation is key! If you’re looking for a way to boost your confidence and feel better about yourself, tanning could be the answer. However, it’s important to remember that it’s not something that should become a regular part of your life. If you decide to try out sunbeds or tanning salons, make sure that you know what precautions to take when using them. If you start to feel hot or dizzy, stop tanning. If your skin starts to burn, put some cold water on it and cool yourself down. Make sure to use suncream before going in the sunbed and reapply it regularly throughout your session.

Take a shower before using the sunbed to remove any dirt or sweat from your body. Use an anti-bacterial soap to ensure no bacteria is left on your skin. This will reduce any chance of infection developing from having been in contact with other people at the tanning salon and sweating due to the heat.
Indoor Tanning Bed Tips for Beginners
In this article, we’ll talk about the basics of using sunbeds and tanning beds. We’ll also provide you with some safety tips for both types of equipment.
Tanning Bed Tips for Beginners
- Use the tanning bed at least once per week for a minimum of 20 minutes per session.
- Always use gloves when handling your skin before applying lotion or spray to it (this can be done by asking someone else to apply them). If you have sensitive skin or are pregnant, consider using a separate room for yourself so that others cannot see what your hands look like after applying lotion/spray! Always wear goggles when using a tanning bed. This will help protect your eyes from harmful UV rays the machine itself may emit. If you don’t have goggles, consider wearing sunglasses or eye protection (such as swimmers’ goggles) instead.
Outdoor Tanning Bed Tips for Beginners
Sunbeds are a great way to get a tan and relax. They can be used in the comfort of your home, making them more accessible than a salon. They are also safe to use, so you don’t need to worry about getting burned by UV rays or other harmful substances.
Sunbeds help you achieve your tanning goals faster than any other tanning bed because they provide consistent heat with minimal downtime between sessions (allowing quicker results).
How Long Should You Tan For?

The amount of time you should tan depends on several factors, including your skin type and how dark your tan goal is. If you’ve been using a self-tanner and want an even darker color, it will take more time for the product to work its way into your pores.
If your goal is simply an even brown glow with no orange or red tones (which is most popular), then 15 minutes in a tanning bed will do just fine. However, if you’re looking for something more intense—like a bronze or mahogany finish—then 30 minutes should be fine as well!
But what if we told you that there was another option? A shorter session can also give off some pretty impressive results compared with longer ones, especially if done at home instead of at an expensive salon or spa location where people sometimes spend hundreds per session on their tans!
- Position yourself in the sunbed– The best way to avoid burns is by positioning yourself in a way that allows for proper blood flow circulation, enabling you to get more tanning time out of your session.
- Cleanse after use– After using a sunbed, remove any unwanted debris from your skin using soap and water or an exfoliating scrub (if desired).
- Avoiding burns: To prevent sunburns from occurring during tans, always ensure that there are no loose threads around your eyes when lying down on towels; this can cause irritation or inflammation on sensitive areas such as around eyebrows or eyelashes if not removed quickly enough!
- After Tanning -Use a moisturizing lotion on your skin after tanning. This will help prevent any skin dryness or flaking that may occur from sun exposure.
- -Take care not to rub your eyes or face when removing eye makeup; this can cause irritation of sensitive areas such as around eyebrows or eyelashes if not removed quickly enough!
- Skin Care -Always wash your hands before applying the tanning product; this will prevent product contamination. -After applying tanning cream, use a soft towel to remove excess moisture from your skin. This will help to ensure that there are no streaks in your tan when it dries. -Use a moisturizing lotion on your skin after tanning; this will help to prevent any dryness or flaking of the skin that may occur from sun exposure.
- Clean The Tanning Bed -After each use, wipe down the tanning bed with a damp cloth. This will remove any dirt or skin cells that previous users may leave behind. -Use an anti-microbial spray to cleanse the bed; this will kill any bacteria present and help prevent infection in others who use the equipment after you.
Tanning Goals
Tanning goals are a very important part of tanning. But first, you must set your goals and ensure you achieve them.
Your goal should be based on the reason why you want to tan, such as:
- To get a healthier skin tone
- To reduce fine lines and wrinkles in the future
- Prep Your Skin
- Your Tanning Session
- Protection
- Tanning Lotions
- Wash your face and body with soap and water.
- Apply a moisturizer to your skin, if needed.
- Wear protective eyewear (goggles or glasses). Some people are allergic to the ultraviolet rays of tanning beds, so it’s best to have some protection on when you go inside one for the first time! If you have problems with this type of sensitivity, talk with us about what fits best for you before heading over there—we’ll be able to recommend something that works well for everyone involved.
- Wear clothes that cover as much skin as possible while in the booth; don’t forget hats, scarves, and other headgear that might provide additional coverage against UV exposure!
So now you know how to tan for beginners! It’s not hard, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. If you follow these tips and keep your eyes open for opportunities, there are plenty of ways to make this a great experience. Good luck tanning!